As some of you know I am a fan of Postsecret. I eagerly await the secrets every Sunday, and I have even made my own secrets and mailed them off to Frank. He has not used any of them, but I look every week anyway. I am guilty of thumbing threw the books looking for my own secret.
Sometimes I see a secret and it stays with me. Like this one. I havent been able to stop thinking about it since yesterday. I can understand being embarrassed to use medicaid. I too have had to be on medicaid at times. When your a low income family, you have to do what it takes to care for your children. However not taking your child to the doctor because you dont want them to see the medicaid? To me that is a bad parenting decision. Maybe borderline child abuse? It makes me sad to think about a child in need to medical care, but the parents pride is stopping them from seeing a doctor. Thanks Frank. That secret scared me for life.
I am including the link for those who havent already picked up of the post secret phenomena. http://postsecret.blogspot.com/
No amount of pride or lack therein is worth keeping your kiddos sick.
They're worth more than anything!
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