Now I have just resorted to taking pictures of things I have lying around the house. It all started with that book cover sitting on my nightstand. I started thinking about all the things I could do with an apple and photoshop. I changed things up a bit to avoid copyright infringement. Also I am wishing I had more of what I would consider "Photo" quality apples in the house. I dont inspect every piece of fruit like I am going to photograph it when I shop for groceries. Although its becoming apparent that maybe I should. The red apple was a little small for what I was wanting to do with it, and I found the only green apple I had to be lop sided and asymmetric. From now on I only buy the symmetrical fruit. The asymmetric quality of that apple was causing problems with the green side of the apple not casting the shadow I wanted on the ground when it was faced to the camera. So we are left looking at the slightly yellowish side. I also wish that little apple had a longer stem. I am also hating that linear shadow on the ground. And that black speck of paint. Needless to say I will be revisiting the idea of the green apple again. With a better apple. I am calling those photographs in order.
- Poisoned apple
- Revisited
- Heart
- Sour Apple Afternoon.
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