I Have been a little slow on the posts lately, and I am sorry for that. In turn you guys get a bunch of new things to look at for being patient and understanding. Yea for you!

A simple but beautiful shot. It has a comical story behind it. I was just leaving my mother in laws house with my sleeping son, when I noticed the sky. I put my car in park, with the engine running and stepped out to take this picture. The door closed behind me, and I had locked myself out! Engine running, sleeping son. Luckily my window was down about an inch, and with the help of a coat hanger and my mother in law I was able to gain entry. I had a mini panic attack though.

I stopped into the 42nd st Bucks and saw a Barista wearing this. Needless to say it rocks pretty hard.

I hear this is how you can tell it spring in Midland. A Bradford pear in bloom. I have pictures of the pink ones too.

At the Car Wash the extra two dollars for the protectant coating is worth it. Just look at the neet colors and patters it makes as it drips down.

Who doesn't like the way water beads up on a clean car.

Taking time to fully observe the Museum of the southwest is recommended. Caught this lovely little number.
To me the architecture and little details of the museum are almost is good as the art it holds inside

Always take time to fully observe your soundings and see how lovely the world really is.

I just loved that Chandelier in the pink room.

How lovely is this little hall?
Thank you for stopping by and looking. Welcome to the world through my eyes. Im glad you can see now. I know your scared. Dont be, 'cause the world really is a beautiful place. Keep checking back, more to come.
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